New to Export Controls?

Are you an aerospace manufacturer who just received an RFP from an aerospace prime? The excitement of becoming a sub-tier to the likes of Boeing, Raytheon, or UTC is overwhelming. Or maybe you’ve been in the supply chain for years but now your customer is asking you to certify that you are capable of submitting an export license or that you are ITAR capable, how do you demonstrate compliance?

To be a compliance manufacturer of Defense Articles you should:

  1. Register with the DDTC.
  2. Complete training for Empowered Official, Compliance personnel and awareness training for all employees/
  3. Maintain “Reasonable Care” of the commodities and technical data, establish a Technology Control Plan and procedures.
  4. Determine the classification of the commodity (i.e., ITAR or EAR).
  5. Screen transactions (End Users, Intermediate Consignees, Locations and End Use).
  6. Obtain authorization when required (Licenses, Agreements, or use of Exemptions/Exceptions).
  7. Export: File AES, complete the paperwork and comply with Provisos.
  8. Maintain required and file required reports.

Contact AEI for assistance: